Fair trade Baskets for Storage & Décor

Use as a: Stylish Décor Basket, Stylish Storage Basket

Kenkia is a word in Gurune, the local language of the Gurunsie people that live in, and around, Bolgatanga in Ghana's Upper East Region. Kenkia is a large gourd that was traditionally used for carrying water.

This full-bodied basket is a feat of weaving and despite the simple design you see, it is a difficult shape to master / it takes an experienced weaver to fulfill the proportions so elegantly!

An art sculpture in its own right, alternatively the Kenkia basket is also the perfect woven vessel for your foliage finds from the garden and fresh flowers. Insert a glass jar into the neck of the vase, sit it on the base on the basket, and voila you have yourself a woven vase.

The weaver of this Baba Tree product will receive a 15% commission on the retail price in addition to what they were paid upon completion.

You will receive the basket in the picture. In our photos, baskets are presented by the weavers who created them.