It all begins with one question: What do you truly value in a basket?


Is it the intricate weave, the hours of skillful labour, or the story that whispers from every strand? The Baba Tree fair trade baskets are not just decorative pieces; they are vessels of dignity, heritage, and respect. Crafted from Groove. Sweat. Excellence., each basket comes directly from the hands of the artisan weavers we collaborate with – energetic, colourful, purposeful.

These baskets narrate the tale of our artisan weavers whose hands have been shaped by generations of skill, a person who has poured their heart into every detail, and who receives fair compensation for their work, commission on retail sales, free medical care, free education for their children, access to 24/7 clean, filtered cold water and other amenities. These baskets carry the weight of their true value—one that honours the human effort behind them, supports our local communities, and nurtures the land from which they come.

Now, imagine the alternative. A mass-produced basket (probably a copy of a Baba Tree basket design), perhaps a lot cheaper, but what does that price really cover? They might seem like a bargain at first glance, but they are a fleeting solution, a product of an economy that often values quantity over quality, speed over craftsmanship, and profit over people.


So, we ask again—what do you value?

When you choose a Baba Tree basket, you’re saying that you value sustainability, quality, and the fair treatment of every person in the supply and value chain. You’re investing in a world where communities thrive because their crafts are cherished, and where the environment is respected as a partner in creation and the kind of world you want to live in- want future generations to live in.

Or do you choose to settle for less? The difference is not just in the price tag; it’s in the legacy we leave with our purchase. So next time you find yourself enticed by the cheaper price of a mass produced basket from Bolgatanga, pause and consider —in these difficult times, what do you truly value?
